In Kentucky it has been tooooooo hot and humid to do anything else but shop. I went to some of my fave haunts last week and found these cool metal flowers for my front door.
July is when I get ready for the fall so I have been ordering merchandise for my store. Working on new jewelry designs that I will unveil next month at Art in Speed Park. Making christmas (yes christmas) jewelry. I need to make the stock now before my fall shows get rolling.
Also July is the time that I complete all those pesky projects that I put off thruout the year. I have this Wall of Shame in my studio where I have ear ring replacements, special orders, and things I need to slove. Due to a reminder from a consumer...........I cleared out that wall. And swear I will not let it build up next year.
This year we have a picket fence project going on in our front yard. Sam has decided to take the entire summer and work on it when he is in the mood. I look forward to job being done so I can nurture my bottle tree and bowling ball collections.