I was glad! Aside from not wanting to be next to her admitted 4-5 packs a day second hand smoke....I could tell she was a little off when she shouted that her tax dollars paid for The Art Car Weekend... when I knew for sure they didn't. I was also glad that when she drove by....one hand was waving a banner out the window and the other was clutched to a cig, thus both hands were occupied so she couldnt bear her arms.
Her van was cool. Not sure about her intent. But if she keeps up those 4-5 packs a day I feel sure that Obama care will be her best friend sooner or later. I do think our tax dollars will ultimately pay for her "right" to smoke.
Check out the REAL story at www.libertyvan.com. By the way,it's THREE packs/day - but the REAL message is LIBERTY. First they came for the smokers. But now, they are after your FOOD, CARS, PETS & ANIMALS, guns, light bulbs - even your toilet paper. WAKE UP and SMELL THE COFFEE - before they ban that too, and/or tax it to oblivion. Besides, I can't figure out how anyone is so neurotic that they will get anywhere near an internal combustion engine, if they are so afraid of smoke???