Sunday, August 8, 2010

Art Car Weekend 2010

This year we had a drive by "Art Van Stalker" Her main message was to encourage smoking so the good folks at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft decided since the event features kids that it would create more controversy having the van as part of our show.

I was glad! Aside from not wanting to be next to her admitted 4-5 packs a day second hand smoke....I could tell she was a little off when she shouted that her tax dollars paid for The Art Car Weekend... when I knew for sure they didn't. I was also glad that when she drove hand was waving a banner out the window and the other was clutched to a cig, thus both hands were occupied so she couldnt bear her arms.

Her van was cool. Not sure about her intent. But if she keeps up those 4-5 packs a day I feel sure that Obama care will be her best friend sooner or later. I do think our tax dollars will ultimately pay for her "right" to smoke.

1 comment:

  1. Check out the REAL story at By the way,it's THREE packs/day - but the REAL message is LIBERTY. First they came for the smokers. But now, they are after your FOOD, CARS, PETS & ANIMALS, guns, light bulbs - even your toilet paper. WAKE UP and SMELL THE COFFEE - before they ban that too, and/or tax it to oblivion. Besides, I can't figure out how anyone is so neurotic that they will get anywhere near an internal combustion engine, if they are so afraid of smoke???
