Saturday, August 31, 2013

Studio Sale / Gaye Medbury

Today my friend Gaye had a Studio Sale.  Gaye makes books.  Not to be believed hand made books.  Awesome books.  She is also a collector of everything. 

The sale was invitation only.... and for 25dollars you filled a Whole Foods Shopping bag.   Or several if you wanted.  No early sales. So I set my alarm and made it to the sale at 9am sharp.  With 6 other eager shoppers who know when Gaye gets tired of stuff she lets it go to another good home.  

So excited about all the great loot.  I plan to make some mixed media pcs. for some shows next year.  Who knows what I will do with the yarns.  Just had to have them. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sharpie Dying

Saw a DIY on Pinterest about using Sharpie Markers to dye fabric.  Well this purse is a great, lightweight, travel bag.  Lots of compartments and the inside is a pattern...Not black.  I just was not wild about the pastel straps and pockets.  Well I drew some patterns with Sharpies then drops of alcohol.  OK it's not a big difference but I like the purse way better.  I may go in and add some black patterns. 

Going Green with Peggy Moriarty, Cheryl Scott, Marie Day Moriarty

Met my Aunts in Dublin Ohio for the Irish Festival.  We all got our Irish on during the 3 days of festivities. 

Great music, beer, food, merchants.  Lots of Irish vendors. There was a special Irish Artist Section.  Hmmmm possibility for my future???  I now know why I sell so much Irish jewelry when I do the Winterfair Holiday Art Show, Columbus Ohio in December....Dublin, Ohio is located next to Columbus.  Lot's O Irish in the area.

Also, I discovered that my neighbor  in Louisville, KY is one of the Ladies of Longford and plays the fiddle.  It's like she is a mother of 3 during the day and a super hero rock star by night.  Now I understand why her twins are always practicing their Irish dance on the patio.